Today we received in the mail, the certificate for Dasko's IPO3 club. We also received our Master Gold Sports Medal pin. Proud of our dogs!!
![]() Ena earned her IPO 3 today at just 23 months old under USCA Judge Frank Phillips. I believe that Ena is the youngest dog on our country to ever obtain the titles of IPO3, FH1 under 2 years of age. This is a testament to her super clear head and her willingness to work as a team with me. LOVE this girlie dog! Not to be out done by her 3 year old brother, Ena von der Rennbahn earns her FH today under USCA Judge Nikki Banfield. This was a super long track with a couple of good distractions, including a herd of deer who visited us on leg #6 and kinda hung out and watched until we got close and then ran off.... Ena never stopped tracking, not even to look at them :) She showed some nice intensity and dedication to the track and carefully checked the areas she wasn't sure of. Ena is a nice methodical tracking dog. She is now IPO2, FH. We hope to get her IPO 3 in 2 weeks. Such a fun and willing dog to work. I can't wait to see what she does when she's 2 years old :) Year #1 was a good year for her!!
![]() Dasko earned his FH title yesterday at the Alpha K9 trial in New Jersey, under USCA Judge Al Govednik. The start was a little shaky. The track had been laid earlier in the morning and by the time we went to track it the farmer had driven the tractor right in front of my flag so there were 2 large ruts and cut grass right in front of the scent pad!! Dasko naturally wanted to check the ruts with the fresh scent and spent a bit of time doing so which prompty game me heart failure!! After what seemed like minutes but was only a few seconds on the video he decided (correctly) that the track went straight ahead! He had a couple of head checks on that long first leg. I think he was HOPING for a corner! LOL It was for sure the longest first leg I have ever seen! It went for what seemed like MILES! LOL he track with a deep nose, penciled all of his corners and handled the road crossing like a champ... tracked it foot step to foot step, Out biggest point loss came when he missed the 3rd article and we lost 5 points right there!! He ended up with 92 points in the extremely HOT/HUMID weather :) LOVE him to pieces!!! ![]() Ena earned her IPO 2, yesterday under USCA Judge Al Govednik, at Alpha K9 in New Jersey, with scores of 94-87-83-264. She was high IPO2, and High tracking. Super proud of my little girl who tried her heart out in very hot and humid conditions!! Just before we were to check in to run her track a man with his 2 Maltese's strolled across the second leg (and both corners) of my track. Ena check each corner thoroughly, made the right decisions both times and earned herself a 94!! Her obedience was good. She had some crowding in the buildups, send out could have been faster (It was HOT and it showed - she kind of loped out to the end), but the biggest point loss was when I went to out her on the flat retrieve.... I dropped the dumbbell! OOPS!! Her protection was fiery for sure!! She needed an extra "here" command around blind 4, finished running all the blinds and then came in and was dirty MULTIPLE times in hold and bark. She was a little two full of herself and her guarding was dirty on the field as well,. Time to dial the little spit fire in !!! Super proud of out she works her heart out every time!! Team Rennbahn had a wonderful day at the Northeast K9, 2013 Spring IPO Trial, that was held in Saratoga Springs, NY today.
Enzo von der Rennbahn and his owner, Kevin Girvin, earned their BH with some very nice and attentive heeling!! Ena von der Rennbahn earned her IPO 1 today with scores of 96-82-85-263, and received the IPO 1 trophy. Ena was a little exuberant in the retrieving exercises and failed to wait for the command to retrieve which cost her quite a few points, but the judge commented on her PERFECT HARD CALM grip on the dumbbell. Her protection was very nice, just lacking a little secondary obedience. I expect big things from this gal has she grows up :) And finally... Dasko von der Rennbahn earned his 8th IPO3 titles with a qualifying score to the 2013 USCA National Championship. His scores were 97-84-92. Judge Nikki Banfield said she took 7 points for the whining at the dumbbells and the slow outs on the dumbbells, We know what we have to work on!! In the protection she commented on his strong clam powerful grips and excellent guarding. Most of the points lost were in the slightly slow outs and he failed to sit on the second side transport. Super proud of Dasko!! Trial results can be seen here: NE K9 Spring 2013 Trial results We are home from the 2013 AWDF National Championship! This is the USA's largest IPO Championship each year. It was held in Lucas, KY which is a gorgeous part of the country. Dasko tracked on Friday in plush long grass. He penciled his corners, had excellent articles, and excellent restarted. He was pointed for change of speed, and one head check on the third leg. I'm super proud of his track! He received 88 points on the track. In Obedience, unfortunately Dasko was very LOADED and barked or whined through much of the routine which cost him a lot of points. He hit all of his motions exercises, but did take a couple steps on the stand. The retrieves were good, however, the judge claims that he never heard me say HUP for the wall, so he scored our wall as insufficient :*( On the video you can CLEARLY hear me tell the dog hup/bring, so I'm not sure why the judge missed it. He thought that Dasko went without the command. We lost a lot of points on a judges error an ended up with 77 points in Obedience :*(. Dasko's protection was good, he stayed relatively in control and in true fashion showed the power in his grips. Here again we lost some points in the barking between exercises. We know what we have to work on :) Dasko received a 90 in Protection which was actually one of the higher scores (only 12 dogs scored higher in protection - out of the maybe 60+ who started). All in all not a great weekend, but super proud of the big guy anyway :)
Dasko had a good showing at the 2013 Working Dog Championship in Winterset, Iowa this past weekend. Tracking was very difficult with short sparse alfalfa on frozen dirt, he worked his tail off and earned every single one of the 83 points the judge awarded him. His stadium work was very nice with correct, attentive flashy heeling, most points lost at the retrieves where he became a little vocal. His protection was, in SV Judge Udo Wolters words, "Extremely powerful with powerful grips and perfect guarding," We have to tighten up our secondary obedience and I think Dasko will be right there next time :) For this weekend he was 83-90-90. As a young 3 year old dog he is now 6 times IPO3, 5 of those were earned at Championships! Proud of my big guy :)
Laurie CoppolaI hope you come back here often to read more about what's happening at Rennbahn K9! Archives
October 2013
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